06-20-2017, 08:44 PM
(05-18-2017, 01:46 AM)ClockWise Wrote: Hi,
just in case some one need that during the waiting time. I have made a powershell (version 5.0) for doing the job. (Sorry, i'm not a scripting expert, but it do the job)
Just change "LAN" for whatever you need as name. Take care of similar name, i'm not sure of the result (EX: LAN, LAN1, EtherLAN, ...)
###############PowerShell 5.0############
#Author ClockWise
#Date 17 may 2017
#Put the choosed name at the top list of the boot order. Need EasyUEFIC.exe installed at C:\Program Files\EasyUEFI\bin\
$entry_Name = 'LAN'
$input_path = New-TemporaryFile
& "C:\Program Files\EasyUEFI\bin\EasyUEFIC.exe" --list-efi >$input_path
$index_number=(Get-Content $input_path | Where-Object { $_.Contains($entry_Name) }).Substring(0,1)
& "C:\Program Files\EasyUEFI\bin\EasyUEFIC.exe" --top-efi --index $index_number
Remove-Item $input_path
EasyUEFI Version 3.0 has been released, now you can manipulate the UEFI boot entry with the name of the entry.