Why is my BitLocker encrypted drive not recognized by Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere For Mac in macOS 10.14 Mojave and later?

Updated on September 17, 2024 by Admin to BitLocker for Mac

Full Disk Access is a new security feature in macOS 10.14 Mojave that requires some applications to be given full permission to access a user's protected files. In previous versions of macOS, this permission was automatically given to all applications at the time of installation, and in recent versions of macOS, you need to manually enable it for the applications. BitLocker Anywhere For Mac needs full disk access in order to list BitLocker Encrypted drives. If you don't give it full disk access, BitLocker Anywhere For Mac will not be able to list BitLocker drives and thus access BitLocker encrypted erives will not be possible.

Now you know that on systems running macOS Mojave (10.14) and later, you have to add asleo BitLocker Anywhere For Mac to the Full Disk Access list, let's talk about how to do it.

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How to fix BitLocker encrypted drive is not recognized by Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere For Mac in macOS 10.14 Mojave and later?

Step 1. Go to your Mac’s System Preferences, open Security & Privacy window > Privacy tab > Full Disk Access folder.

Step 2. Click the lock and enter an administrator password to allow changes.

Step 3. For macOS 13 and later, check the "BitlockerAnywhereService" check box.

grant full disk access

For macOS 12, check the "BitlockerAnywhereService" check box.

grant full disk access

For macOS 11 and lower, add the Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere to the list by using the “+” button and locating the app in your Applications folder, or by drag-and-dropping it onto the list. Please note that after adding it to the full disk access list, you need to tick the checkbox in front of "Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere", as shown in the following image:
grant full disk access

After completing the steps above, Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere For Mac now has Full Disk Access, and it can list, read and write BitLocker encrypted drives normally.

