How do I register Windows To Go Upgrader?

Updated on April 12, 2024 by Admin to Windows To Go Upgrader
After you purchase the software, you will receive an email containing your license code. The next step of the registration process is to authorize the software.
  1. Download and install the free/trial version of Windows To Go Upgrader.
  2. Click "About" > "Activate license".

    Software Upgrade

  3. Enter your email address (some earlier versions might need it) and license code, then click "Register". You can find the license code in the order confirmation email.

    Input License Key

  4. A pop-up will appear asking you to restart Windows To Go Upgrader. Click "OK".

    Need to restart

  5. Restart Windows To Go Upgrader.
If you have problems with the registration, contact our support at: [email protected]. Please include your email address, license code and Order ID in the email message.

