How to convert CD/DVD To ISO?

Updated on December 10, 2024 by Admin to Portable Windows Creator

If you already have a Windows installation DVD, and now you want to convert it to a Windows installation ISO file to use it in software that only doesn't support DVD drives. Hasleo WinToUSB can help you to convert a CD or DVD to ISO image file with a few simple steps.


Tutorial to convert a CD or DVD to ISO image file.

Step 1. Insert the CD or DVD disc which you want to convert in your CD/DVD-ROM.

Step 2. Run WinToUSB as administrator.

Step 3. Click menu > "CD/DVD To ISO".

click CD/DVD To ISO

Step 4. Select the CD/DVD drive in the drop-down list.

Select CD or DVD

Step 5. Click the Browse Icon button. A dialog window will appear asking you where you want to save the ISO file to, select where you want to save the ISO file and give it a name.

Select ISO Save Path

Step 6. Click "Proceed", WinToUSB begins converting.

ISO converting

Step 7. Click "Cancel" to exit when the conversion is complete. The CD or DVD disk has been converted to ISO image file now.

ISO convertiong complete


Follow these simple steps, you can convert a CD or DVD disc to ISO image file with WinToUSB easily.

